Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Breakfast on the Run!

Wednesday morning at the main entrance our Super Service Team will be handing out bagged breakfasts!

Monday, July 15, 2013


Please stop by the office and welcome our new Leasing Professional Penny Suitt to the Beech Lake family!  Penny has come to us from another local Westdale property excited to be part of Team Beech Lake!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

water leak update.....

You may notice low water pressure or the water is off.  The plumbers are turning off the water to conduct a pressurized leak test.  When the test is done water will be turned back on.  We do not have any specific times for water to be back on.  We are at the mercy of City of Durham public works.

Repairs to the leak will be done later this week.  Water will need to be turned off for the repairs as well. 

We thank everyone for being so patient with the intermittent water this week.